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Our vision is simple: to help as many expat teenagers and (young) adults as possible. We want to make a difference in troubled, anxious, traumatized or depressed young people's lives.

Patric Esters has been working for several years as a child and adult

psychologist in The Hague and Amsterdam. He has a vast background in psychology and psychotherapy and specializes in troubled teenagers and young adults. Patric has firsthand expat experience, being born in Germany and raised in Spain, in international schools. He supports people in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and Dutch.

Mending Mind does not shy away of people’s difficulties. Just like in the Japanese repair pottery Kintsukuroi all the cracks, breaks and what once hurt can make us even more beautiful once mended.  


The essence of Mending Mind is to explore important issues and facilitate self-growth and self-acceptance. In order to heal one's mind we believe in a holistic approach. That is why we don't only offer integrative psychotherapy, but also movement coaching to stimulate both the body and the mind. Mending Mind also offers unique workshops, retreats and seminars all dedicated to one's personal growth and development.

Life is simply too short to be unhappy or unfulfilled — so what’s holding you back? Let's tackle the source of your problems together. Let us help you learn better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of your pursuits. Get in touch with us today.

Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength. No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that’s our real disaster.


Rodenrijselaan 20A, 3037 XE, Rotterdam
Tel: +31 (0)684 894 601  
Email: info[

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Thank you for your message. We will answer your confidential message as soon as possible. Regards,
Patric Esters, M.Sc, Psychotherapist BIG

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